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Insights & News

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The Great Resignation by the Numbers

Last year, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that 4.5 million Americans, or 3% of the entire workforce, quit their jobs in November of 2021.1 Although shocking at the time November was just another record-breaking month in a string of record-breaking months. Named "The Great Resignation" by many, this phenomenon can be seen across nearly all industries.

Investment Insights
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Ukraine and Market Volatility

What is unfolding in Ukraine is extremely troubling. As Russia presses its military advantage, it is inspiring to see Ukrainians defending their country. And while the images of fleeing refugees and bombed out maternity wards create strong emotions, as your financial advisor, we’re here to help you keep those emotions in check as it relates to your financial planning.

Investment Insights
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Russia-Ukraine War: The Crude Awakening

The Russia-Ukraine war is a humanitarian disaster. While this latest insight focuses on the impact of the war on global economies and markets, in hopes for a resolution to this humanitarian crisis, be reminded of this quote by Franklin Delano Roosevelt: “More than an end to war, we want an end to the beginnings of all war”.

Investment Insights
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How Your Money Mentality Should Change in Retirement

Reaching retirement can feel like crossing the finish line at the end of a 30-, 40- or even 50-year-long marathon. Therefore, many of us look forward to the endless vacation days and the rest and relaxation of retirement. Although a life with no alarm clock is something we dream about, the truth is that retirement really throws a wrench in how we view our money, and the switch from receiving structured, employment-driven income to drawing down investment accounts can be harder than we realize.

Investment Retirement Funding Insights